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This research aims to study the causal relationship of influential factors on safe sexual relationships among late adolescent students in the Nakhon-Nayok provinces. Participants were late adolescent students between 15 and 18 years old studying in upper secondary school, Nakhon-Nayok Province under the office of Secondary Educational Service Area, Prachinburi, Nakhon-Nayok (Prachinburi, Nakhon-Nayok) Participants were selected using Cluster sampling (n = 281). Instruments were questionnaire reliability between .80 - .97. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentile, mean, standard deviation, spearman correlation statistics, and path analysis. The finding modeling analysis revealed that safe sexual behavior among late adolescent students is in concordance with empirical research at a reasonable level (χ2 /df = 1.890, GFI = .95, AGFI = .92, CFI = .97, TLI = .95, RMR = .04, RMSEA = .05) Knowledge and understanding on safe sexual behavior, decision-making for safe sexual behavior, and the perceived self-efficacy in safe sexual behavior directly influence safe sexual behavior. The indirect effect was access to information on safe sexual behavior, communication on safe sexual behavior, and decision on safe sexual behavior. All stated variables could predict safe sexual behavior among late adolescents at a 29.8% level (R2 = .298, p < .001).
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