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This study investigates the impact of mini trampoline training on children's balance and health-related physical fitness. 48 students between the ages of 10 and 11 made up the sample, which was randomly divided into two groups consisting of 24 participants in the mini-trampoline exercises and 24 participants in the control group. The control group went about their normal lives while the exercise group performed 20 minutes of small trampoline exercises at 60 to 80% of their maximum heart rate three days a week for a period of 12 weeks. Prior to and following the trial, data were gathered, including tests of the fundamental physiological data on balance and health-related physical fitness. The findings demonstrated that, in comparison to the control groups, the small trampoline exercise group had improved balance and health-related physical fitness following the experiment. The significant level was set at .05 level.
It was concluded that exercise on the mini trampoline had positive effect on health-related physical fitness and balance, which was an alternative to exercising at home during the COVID-19 situation.
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