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The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference in speed Acceleration, stride length and stride count at the start of a sprint. With the block start posture, Standing start posture and 3 points start posture for use as a guideline for training athletes to develop their potential. A sample of 16 people by purposive random sampling. This research uses Microgate model Optojump Next Italy to measure acceleration, stride length and number of steps and Microgate model Witty Wireless Trainning Timer to measure time Two-way ANOVA with repeated measures to analyze differences in time, stride count and stride length During the beginning of the 3 types of running, the results showed that The block start before the training, the block start and Standing start stance were different in speed for 5, 10, and 30 meters. There was no difference in acceleration, stride length. And the number of steps between each type of start. After the training, the start block start and Standing start posture still differed in speed for all 3 distances at a statistically significant .05 level. Accelerate, stride length and stride count during each start. In addition, there was no difference in 3 points start vs Standing start in speed, acceleration, stride length and number of strides, including block starters and 3 points start, for all 3 distances. Practicing with a short training period as a result, athletes are not stimulated by the body. This makes the development of athletes inefficient and does not achieve their training goals.
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