A health risk assessment by direct reading measurement for formaldehyde exposure among gross anatomy staff
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Formaldehyde is a widely used hazardous chemical, despite its potential risks to human health and classification as a carcinogen. This research assesses health risks from exposure to formaldehyde among gross anatomy staff during four laboratory processes. Data was gathered by interview, direct-reading formaldehyde concentration measurement, and indoor air quality monitors. Results were that work environment formaldehyde concentration exceeded Department of Labor Protection and Welfare standards for two processes. Health risk assessment revealed that employees were at risk of cancer (CR) from exposure to formaldehyde at unacceptable levels in all four processes, while the hazard quotient (HQ) was unacceptable in three processes. Only the body injection process was deemed acceptable. These findings suggest that gross anatomy laboratory staff are at risk of health impacts from exposure to formaldehyde in all working processes. Environmental improvements are needed, including appropriate ventilation systems to control chemical concentration and reduce future employee exposure.
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