The development of a discharge plan model for post-operative colorectal cancer patients with a colostomy


  • Nettip Charoensuk Samutprakan Hospital, Male Surgery department
  • Sinsupa Iamklahan Samutprakan Hospital, Male Surgery department
  • Wunnida Chochanya Samutprakan Hospital, Male Surgery department


colorectal cancer, colostomy, discharge plan


This developmental research aims to create and evaluate a discharge preparation model for patients undergoing colorectal cancer surgery with a colostomy. The sample group consisted of 15 post-operative colorectal cancer patients with a colostomy admitted to the surgical ward at Samutprakan Hospital, along with 24 registered nurses from the same ward. The research tools included a knowledge assessment questionnaire about colorectal cancer surgery with a colostomy and satisfaction questionnaires for both patients and nurses. Data collection occurred between April 2023 and June 2023. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, including percentage, mean, and standard deviation, as well as inferential statistics, specifically the paired t-test.

The study results indicated that the pre-discharge preparation model significantly improved the knowledge scores of patients and their relatives regarding patient care before discharge (t-test = -4.1, p<.001). Additionally, overall satisfaction with the pre-discharge preparation model was high among both patients and nurses after surgery for colorectal cancer with a colostomy.


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How to Cite

Charoensuk N, Iamklahan S, Chochanya W. The development of a discharge plan model for post-operative colorectal cancer patients with a colostomy. SMPK. Hos. J. [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];2(1):2-16. Available from:



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