Infections and Health outcome after COVID 19 Infected of Samutprakan Hospital’s Personnel


  • Natthira Chumchoochan Division of Nursing of Infection Control and Prevention, Samutprakan Hospital


infection prevalence, health outcomes, coronavirus infection 2019, COVID 19, long COVID-19


Purposes: To study the prevalence, characteristics and health-related outcomes after the coronavirus 2019 infection among health personnel in Samutprakan hospital.

Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study of health personnel in Samutprakan hospital infected with COVID-19 was performed, from May 14, 2021 to March 31, 2022. All of the participants have fully recovered for over 3 months from the date of infection confirmed by the RT-PCR method. 

Results: The prevalence rate of infection was 24.22% (423/1747). Most of the infected personnel were under 30 years old (71.12%), mean age of 28.73 ± 10.29 years, predominantly females (80.55%). Health-related outcomes after COVID-19 infection were the respiratory tract system (59.27%), skin and hair system (38.30%), and mental health problems, such as insomnia (27.96%).

Conclusion: The prevalence of infection in health personnel was 24.22%. The respiratory tract symptoms, skin lesions, hair loss, and mental health problems were found as common post-covid symptoms. Therefore, it is crucial to find out the factors related to the occurrence of these syndromes in order to properly develop a further health care plan.


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How to Cite

Chumchoochan N. Infections and Health outcome after COVID 19 Infected of Samutprakan Hospital’s Personnel. SMPK. Hos. J. [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];1(1):31-48. Available from:



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