การศึกษาผลการพัฒนาคุณภาพ การรับ-ส่งเวรแบบ ISBAR แผนกหลัง คลอด โรงพยาบาลโชคชัย จังหวัดนครราชสีมา
A Study of Quality Development Guidelines for ISBAR Delivery of Postpartum Departments, Chokchai Hospital, Nakhon Ratchasima Province
This research was action research, and the objectives were to develop the quality of ISBAR handover, to study the implementation of the ISBAR handover guideline and the satisfaction of postpartum departments.
Methods: The subjects in this study consisted of 7 postpartum nurses, collecting 3 ISBAR transfers per person, totaling 21 cases. Instruments used for the test consisted of three parts: general information. Guidelines for the operation of carpooling, ISBAR type, satisfaction of nurses in the postnatal department. They passed the content validity check from three experts.
Study results: Compliance with the ISBAR guideline was not completed in 3 items: 1) background about drug allergy, 19%; 2) assessment of focus list, 95.2%; and 3) recommendation regarding the treatment activities according to the order achieved 95.2 percent in other topics; 100% of the performance was achieved. Satisfaction with a 93.16 percent satisfaction level in all topics at a high level ( = 3), except for having sufficient time to take care of patient’s moderate level of satisfaction (
= 2).
Conclusion: The results of the research will be an effective ISBAR guideline for dispatching and dispatching operations. It can be used for the operation of the ISBAR of the nurses.