Development of Health Knowledge Promotion Model to Newborn Low Weight Infants for Pregnant Women Receiving Antenatal Care Services at Don Tan Hospital, Don Tan District, Mukdahan Province
การพัฒนารูปแบบการส่งเสริมความรู้ด้านสุขภาพเพื่อป้องกันทารกแรกเกิดน้ำหนักน้อยแก่หญิงตั้งครรภ์ที่มารับบริการฝากครรภ์ โรงพยาบาลดอนตาล อำเภอดอนตาล จังหวัดมุกดาหาร
Health Knowledge Promotion Model, Newborn Low Weight, Pregnant Women, Health KnowledgeAbstract
This research and development aimed to 1) study the situation of low birth weight infants, 2) develop a model for promoting health literacy to prevent low birth weight infants for pregnant women receiving antenatal care, 3) study the level of various factors and factors related to the birth weight of pregnant women receiving antenatal care and 4) evaluate the model for promoting health literacy to prevent low birth weight infants for pregnant women receiving antenatal care. Which was developed as conducted 3 phases of research: 1) study the situation of low-birth-weight infants at Don Tan Hospital, 2) develop the model and 3) study and evaluate the model. The researcher collected data using a questionnaire from 40 pregnant women receiving antenatal care at Don Tan Hospital in fiscal year 2024. The results of the research found that most pregnant women had an average age of 20-30 years, which was the health insurance card and pregnant women gave birth to babies with normal infant weight, accounting for 100.00%. Their knowledge after receiving the development was significantly higher than their knowledge before receiving the development (p < 0.01). Their attitudes toward pregnancy and antenatal care, their social support from the community and society and their self-care behavior during pregnancy were at a high level. The factor of knowledge about pregnancy and antenatal care, attitudes toward pregnancy and antenatal care, their social support from the community and family, and their self-care behavior during pregnancy. They were related to the weight of the newborn with a correlation coefficient of r = 0.855, 0.238, 0.436 and 0.587 (p < 0.05, 0.01). Such factors have a low to high correlation. Therefore, this model of research and development. It is suitable for use only in the local context.
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