The Recreation Activity of Develops Executive Functions on Early Childhood

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Kanlapruk polsorn
Pornchan Lojanasupareuk


Executive functions are a process of thinking that consists of working memory, inhibitory control, cognitive flexibility, attention, emotional control, self-monitoring, initiating, planning, organizing, and goal directed persistence. This is an important skill that should be instilled in children from early childhood to develop and learn appropriately through co-teaching and practice through experiences of participating in various recreational activities. To develop executive functions for early childhood as well as improve the quality of life and including enhancing physical, mental, emotional, social, and intellectual skills. Recreation is a voluntary creative activity that is done in free time to have funs and enjoyment. It is an activity that creates value in using free time usefully and contributes to the development of executive functions for a successful life for early childhood in basic memory skills, concentration, planning, commitment, responsibility, self-control, and dealing with emotional well. Participation in a variety of recreational activities plays a role in developing skills for early childhood children. The benefits and values of participating in recreational activities are not only for early childhood but also for families and society still benefit. In terms of academic success, good education, positive behavior, being able to work with others, leadership, decision-making, healthy and future economic stability. Recreational activities are an important tool for developing executive functions for a successful life in early childhood. Organizing a variety of experiences through participation in activities practice and social interactions that allow early childhood to take action on their own. It creates experiences, values, positive behaviors, and decisions for themselves, families and society.

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How to Cite
polsorn, K., & Lojanasupareuk, P. (2022). The Recreation Activity of Develops Executive Functions on Early Childhood. Journal of Faculty of Physical Education, 25(1), 1–14. retrieved from
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