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The purposes of this research are to compare the effects of yoga wheel training and treadmill running on the health-related physical fitness and quality of life among working women. The participants were 42 female employees of CEC, in an age range between 25-45, who had never practiced yoga and passed an initial health screening by answering a PAR-Q questionnaire. Simple random sampling was used to match age, flexibility and cardiorespiratory endurance. They were divided into three groups (14 people per group). They consisted of a yoga wheel group, a treadmill running group and a control group. The yoga wheel training and treadmill running group practiced three days per week for eight weeks and the practice time was 60 min/day. The control group lived their daily lives as usual. The subjects were tested on health-related physical fitness before training, at the end of the fourth and eighth weeks and completed a quality-of-life questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF-THAI) before training, and at the end of the eighth week. The data were analyzed in terms of mean, standard deviation, and One-Way ANOVA and analysis of variance with repeated measures. The results had a statistically significant difference at a level of .05. The results showed that the yoga wheel was statistically significantly better in health-related physical fitness (flexibility and abdominal muscle strength) than before training at a level of .05 and after the eighth week. Treadmill running was significantly better in cardiorespiratory endurance than before training at a level of .05, after the eighth week. The yoga wheel was significantly better in the quality of life than others at a level of .05 with 96.71±6.51 (excellent).
Conclusions: Yoga wheel training can increase your flexibility, abdominal muscle strength and good quality of life. While the treadmill running improves the tolerance of the circulatory system in women of working age. Thus, the yoga wheel and treadmill running may positively influence health-related physical fitness and quality of life among working women.
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