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Objective: To construct an archery skill test for excellence and validate its quality, also to construct the
norm of archery skill for excellence of Thai archers.
Research Method: It was divided into 3 stages. The first stage was to construct the archery skill test for
excellence focused on archery skill and archery accuracy. This stage was based on a document and
literature study. As of the 2nd stage, the quality of the skill test on the content validity was measured by 5
specialists. Reliability aspect of the 1st and 2nd scoring results was correlated by 1 specialist, and the
objectivity aspect of the ratings was correlated by 2 specialists. The objectivity was judged from the scoring
relationship by 2 specialists. The final stage was to set the norm from data obtained from 85 volunteer Thai
archers using recurve bow shooting at 70 meters.
Results: The archery skill test for excellence was divided into 9 skills. Results from the practical archery
accuracy test at 70 meters showed the test validity, reliability, and objectivity were at a very good level. The
norm was divided into 5 levels. The T-score of archery skill and archery accuracy were in the range of
32.37 to 61.26 and 34.90 to 63.75, respectively.
Conclusion: The archery skill test for excellence prepared by the researchers showed validity, reliability
and objectivity at a very good level. The test can be completed within a short period and provides immediate
results for each archer’s shooting skill when compared with the norm.
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