Main Article Content
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate and compare the effects of cold water immersion
during half-time on the physical fitness of soccer players.
Methods: The sample consisted of 16 male soccer players of Loei Rajabhat University aged between 18
and 25 years. All participants were divided into two groups: the control group (n=8) and experimental group
(n=8). Both groups competed in a 90-minute soccer match, divided into 45 minutes in the first half and 45
minutes in the second half, with a 15-minute halftime break. Data were collected and results were statistically
analyzed using mean and standard deviation. Mean physical fitness was compared 24 hours after the game.
To determine the differences between the groups, a paired samples t-test the significance level .05
Results: Physical fitness in the agility of control group was significantly higher than pretest (12.94±0.78
seconds) and 24 hours after the competition (13.30±0.77 seconds) at the .05 level. Sprint time was
statistically significantly higher than pretest (5.93±0.39 s) and 24 hours after competition (6.42 s) at the .05
level. Maximal oxygen uptake of the control group was statistically significantly decreased before the test
(60.43±2.39 ml/kg/min-1) and 24 hours after the competition (58.71±1.60 ml/kg/min-1) at the .05 level. In
contrast, when compare leg strength, power of the leg muscles, agility, sprint and maximal oxygen
consumption in experimental group. There were no significant differences.
Conclusion: The method of immersion in cold water at halftime of football can slow down fatigue. This
ensures that physical performance in terms of agility, speed and maximum aerobic capacity does not
decrease, which is an alternative for rehabilitation of football players.
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