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The purpose of this study was to examine and compare the effects of fitball training on body composition and
maximum oxygen consumption in overweight middle-aged women. In this study, 26 middle-aged women aged 40-50
years old with a BMI of 25 kg/m2 were recruited from Ubon Ratchathani University. The participants were randomly
separated into two groups: 13 female fitball training participants and 13 female control participants. The training group
participated fitball exercise for 60 min per day, 3 days a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) for 6 consecutive
weeks. The control group went about their everyday lives as usual. Body composition and maximum oxygen
consumption were measured before and after a 6-week training period. The data from pre and after training were then
compared and analyzed using the paired samples t-test and the independent samples t-test. The test for statistical
significance at the .05 level.
The results were as follow: after the 6-week training,
1) The fitball training group showed substantially improvement in body weight, BMI and body fat (-0.92%,
-1.34% and -1.43% respectively, p < .05) when compared to their baseline. In addition, fitball training group showed a
substantial decrease in body weight (-0.92%, p < .05) compared with control group (-0.12%, p < .05).
2) The fitball training group's maximum oxygen consumption was substantially higher (9.79%) than the control
group's (0.15%, p < .05).
Conclusion: Six weeks of fitball training is effective in improving for body composition and maximum oxygen
consumption in overweight middle-aged women.
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