Effectiveness of the Transitional Period Preparation through Line Application for Self-Health Care Behavior of the Primipara Mother and Newborn Baby in Samutprakan Hospital


  • Wanpen Phetcharak Samutprakan Hospital/Postpartum ward and Sick newborn
  • Chonthicha Phungcham Samutprakan Hospital/Postpartum ward and Sick newborn
  • Wimonrat Neititumwattana Samutprakan Hospital/Postpartum ward and Sick newborn


Preparation of the Transitional Period, Line Application, Self-Health Care Behavior, Primipara Mother


This quasi-experimental research aims to develop the preparation of the transitional period through line application, accessing the knowledge of self-healthcare behavior of postpartum mothers and newborn babies. The satisfaction of using the preparation through line application was evaluated. This study includes 40 primipara mothers who received delivery care at Samutprakan Hospital between May 2023 and July 2023. The subjects were selected using a simple random sampling method and divided into an experimental and control group. The questionnaires were applied to collect five information items, consisting of 1) general information 2) knowledge questions 3) self-health care behaviors of primipara mothers and newborn babies 4) the complications of a postpartum mother and child 5) satisfaction questions.

All questionnaires were approved and validated by the experts. The reliability test of knowledge and attitude questions were .701 and .650, respectively. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics: independent t-test and chi-square test.

The results revealed that the experimental group had significantly higher mean scores of knowledges and practice in self-health care for postpartum mothers and children than the control group (p=.000). The result of the satisfaction questionnaire showed that overall satisfaction was high (`gif.latex?\fn_cm&space;\bar{x}=2.89).


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How to Cite

Phetcharak W, Phungcham C, Neititumwattana W. Effectiveness of the Transitional Period Preparation through Line Application for Self-Health Care Behavior of the Primipara Mother and Newborn Baby in Samutprakan Hospital. SMPK. Hos. J. [internet]. 2023 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];1(2):47-65. available from: https://he03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/smpkhj/article/view/1525



Research article