Results from the Development of Sterilization Medical Equipment Supply System in Samutprakan Hospital


  • Wannee Wuttikate Nursing professional organizations/Central sterile supply department
  • Mananya Dittasagul Nursing professional organizations/Central sterile supply department
  • Hataikan Pantong Nursing professional organizations/Central sterile supply department


Central Sterile Supply Department, Sterile equipment disbursement system, Sterilization medical equipment supply system, Sterile equipment


This study aims to develop and evaluate the sterile equipment disbursement system in the Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD) at Samutprakarn Hospital. The satisfaction of both service providers and recipients as well as the risks involving the sterile equipment disbursement systems were assessed. There are 2 groups of samples, which were specifically randomized. The first group was CSSD officers who had been working for more than 6 months. The second group was 20 people and staff who have used the sterile equipment disbursement system for more than 6 months. Eighty-four participants were included in the study. The sterile equipment disbursement systems, the Questionnaire, and the sterile disbursement service record form were used as the tools and were validated for confidence by the entire Kronbach alpha coefficient of 0.920.

The results found that the most common disbursement problem was the dispensing of sterile devices in time for patient treatment. Therefore, the reimbursement of sterile equipment has been applied and the satisfaction of system users was assessed. The satisfaction of service users was high [providers gif.latex?\fn_cm&space;\bar{x}=4.21 (S.D.=0.512), customer gif.latex?\fn_cm&space;\bar{x}=4.27 (S.D.=0.576)]. The incidence of risk of not being able to send equipment to service recipients in time for patient treatment decreased from 29 times in 2020 to only one time in 2023.


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How to Cite

Wuttikate W, Dittasagul M, Pantong H. Results from the Development of Sterilization Medical Equipment Supply System in Samutprakan Hospital. SMPK. Hos. J. [internet]. 2023 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];1(2):31-46. available from:



Research article