Effects of Thalassemia Knowledge Promotion Program for Caregivers of Pediatric Patients in Samutprakan Hospital
Thalassemia, Thalassemia patients, Thalassemia knowledge, Patient care, Satisfaction, Knowledge promotion program, CaregiverAbstract
This study is preliminary experimental research, comparing a single group of pre-posttest design with the objectives to 1) compare the knowledge of caregivers of pediatric patients before and after promoting the thalassemia knowledge program 2) assess the knowledge of caregivers of thalassemia patients care and 3) assess the satisfaction of thalassemia knowledge promotion program for caregivers. The sample group was included by purposive sampling which were 20 caregivers of thalassemia patients aged between 2-15 years old. The questionnaire was used as a tool and validated by 3 experts, consisting of personal information, knowledge of thalassemia disease, knowledge of thalassemia patient care, and satisfaction with the promotion program. Descriptive statistics and paired t-tests were used for data analysis.
The results found that the sample had an average score of knowledge before promoting the program equal to 8.85 out of 15 points and after promoting the program equal to 13.15 out of 15 points which is a statistically significant increase (p=0.001). For the knowledge of thalassemia patient care, most of the sample continuously provide folic acid to patients (95%), and ask for advice from doctors, nurses, or experts in taking care of thalassemia patients (75%). However, 60% of the sample gave patients inappropriate food with high iron. The overall satisfaction of caregivers after receiving the program was high (=4.55).
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