Nursing Care for Patients with Dengue Shock Syndrome: A Case Study


  • ิBuakhai Thuentanon Pedriatric Department, Bangplee Hospital


Dengue hemorrhagic fever, Shock, Nursing care


The problem of dengue hemorrhagic fever is a major public health concern in Thailand. The disease is a mosquito-borne illness. The rate of infection is typically high in the rainy season. The mortality rate in 2023 is greater than in 2022. Dengue hemorrhagic fever affects individuals of all ages, with children aged 5-14 particularly at risk. The purposes of this study are to identify the progress of the disease and monitor significant changes in symptoms in the critical phase. This study featured a patient who experienced hypovolemic shock from plasma leakage, a complication that can be life-threatening. The patients can be aided in recovering from the critical phase by accurate and prompt application of the nursing process in assessment, diagnosis, nursing care plans, and nursing outcomes.

In this case study, the patient had been treated in the pediatric inpatient department of Bangplee Hospital. Dengue hemorrhagic fever was diagnosed by the physician. In the critical phase, the patient had hypovolemic shock, coagulopathy, electrolyte imbalance, and plasma leakage as indicated by the presence of pleural fluid.  Because of the severity of the disease, the fatality rate increased. Thus, nurses have an important role in close observation of changing symptoms, prompt reporting to the doctor, stringent monitoring of intravenous fluid management, and providing information on medical treatment. These are extremely important and help patients and their families reduce their anxieties and collaborate with medical treatment until the patient fully recovers from the crisis. Holistic care should be provided including physical, psychological, emotional, and social dimensions.  


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How to Cite

Thuentanon ิ. Nursing Care for Patients with Dengue Shock Syndrome: A Case Study. SMPK. Hos. J. [internet]. 2023 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];1(2):83-99. available from: