Results of using guidelines after cataract surgery via line official in the Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Department, Samutprakan Hospital


  • Nantaporn Kijpruek Samutprakan Hospital, Eye Ear Nose Throat Department
  • Ployphaka Keaokham Samutprakan Hospital, Eye Ear Nose Throat Department


cataract surgery, Line Official Account, knowledge, practices


This experimental research uses a one-group pretest-posttest design to evaluate the impact of Line Official Account guidelines on knowledge and practices related to post-cataract surgery care. The sample group, selected through purposive sampling, consisted of 30 cataract patients who underwent surgery at the Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Department of Samutprakan Hospital.

The research tool was a questionnaire that included sections on personal information, a knowledge test about cataracts, a measure of patient behavior after cataract surgery, and a measure of satisfaction with the guidelines provided via the Line Official Account. The questionnaire's accuracy was verified by experts, and its reliability was tested using Cronbach's alpha method. The reliability values were as follows: 0.654 for the cataract knowledge measure, 0.705 for the patient behavior after cataract surgery measure, and 0.668 for the satisfaction measure with the post-cataract surgery guidelines via Line Official.

Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including number, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, as well as inferential statistics, specifically the paired t-test.

The study found that the sample group exhibited significantly higher knowledge after using the post-cataract surgery guidelines via Line Official, with a statistical significance (p<0.01). Additionally, patient behavior after using the guidelines was significantly better than before (p<0.01). Overall satisfaction with the post-cataract surgery guidelines via Line Official was high, with a mean satisfaction score of 3.65.


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How to Cite

Kijpruek N, Keaokham P. Results of using guidelines after cataract surgery via line official in the Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat Department, Samutprakan Hospital. SMPK. Hos. J. [internet]. 2024 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];2(1):17-2. available from:



Research article