Assessing the Effect in Applying Transitional Theory Program on Knowledge and Self-care and Newborn Care in Postpartum Period among the First Pregnant Women in Samutprakan Hospital


  • Wanpen Phetcharak Postpartum ward, Samutprakan Hospital
  • Waynika Chirywit Postpartum ward, Samutprakan Hospital
  • Chonthicha Phungcham Postpartum ward, Samutprakan Hospital
  • Pimpan Yodvongkong Postpartum ward, Samutprakan Hospital


knowledge and self-care, pregnant women, postpartum care, transitional theory


This quasi-experimental research aims to compare knowledge and skills in postnatal self-care between the experimental group and those receiving standard nursing care. The samples consisted of 22 first-pregnant mothers with gestational aged 36 weeks or more. They were recruited from an antenatal care clinic, and gave birth at Samutprakan hospital during March-June 2022. Knowledge about self-care and newborn care applying transitional theory was given to pregnant women in the experimental group. The self-administrative questionnaires were used to evaluate the knowledge and the observed skills of the respective samples in both groups. Content validity was performed by three experts to ensure the reliability. Descriptive statistics and dependent t-test were used for data analysis. The results demonstrate that the knowledge scores of the experimental group and the control group were not significantly different at the P value of 0.05, but the skill scores of the experimental group and the control group were statistically significant difference at the P value of 0.001.


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How to Cite

Phetcharak W, Chirywit W, Phungcham C, Yodvongkong P. Assessing the Effect in Applying Transitional Theory Program on Knowledge and Self-care and Newborn Care in Postpartum Period among the First Pregnant Women in Samutprakan Hospital. SMPK. Hos. J. [internet]. 2023 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 7];1(1):3-17. available from:



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