Nursing care of pneumonia patients with respiratory failure According to Roy's adaptation theory : Two case studies

การพยาบาลผู้ป่วยปอดอักเสบที่มีภาวะหายใจล้มเหลว ตามทฤษฎีการปรับตัวของรอย : กรณีศึกษา 2 ราย


  • Patcharin Thitpiphit Sakon Nakhon Hospital


Pneumonia, Respiratory failure, Nursing, Roy's adaptation theory


Pneumonia is a common critical condition in the internal medicine group. Important public health issue due to the rapid progression of the disease Severe and has a high death rate.This case study aims to apply Roy's theory of adaptation to nursing care of patients with pneumonia and respiratory failure by specifically studying patients with pneumonia and respiratory failure 2 list who received treatment at the female medical ward 1, Sakon Nakhon Hospital by studying patient history medical treatment gather information from patients, relatives, and medical records. Formulating nursing diagnoses using Roy's theory of adaptation in every phase of treatment from the process of assessment, surveillance, planning, and nursing practice summarize and evaluate nursing results.

Results: Two patients, females aged 53 and 55 years, were diagnosed with  pneumonia with respiratory failure. Received treatment at female medical ward 1 both cases were intubated and given oxygen with a ventilator, which is a critical situation that requires urgent help. Respiratory failure is a direct stimulus response according to Roy's adaptation theory.

Summarize  from education, nursing caregivers must have the ability to practice the science and art of nursing, helping to diagnose needs and organize self-care for patients. In the case of these 2 patients, a partial replacement system was used. The nurse and patient share responsibility for meeting their needs. During this time when you have to limit your movements and learn to take care of yourself properly need support Guiding and motivating nurses in their practice as well as providing an environment that is conducive to patients, promoting the ability to take care of themselves for both patients and families.


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How to Cite

Thitpiphit, P. . (2023). Nursing care of pneumonia patients with respiratory failure According to Roy’s adaptation theory : Two case studies: การพยาบาลผู้ป่วยปอดอักเสบที่มีภาวะหายใจล้มเหลว ตามทฤษฎีการปรับตัวของรอย : กรณีศึกษา 2 ราย. Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences Nakhon Phanom University, 1(2), 74–86. retrieved from