The Effect of Smartphone Applications on Mental Health Literacy and Mental Health Care Behaviors of Caregivers for Dependent Elderly in Chanuman District Amnat Charoen Province

ผลของแอปพลิเคชันในสมาร์ตโฟนต่อความรอบรู้ด้านสุขภาพจิตและพฤติกรรม การดูแลสุขภาพจิตของผู้ดูแลผู้สูงอายุที่มีภาวะพึ่งพิง ในพื้นที่อำเภอชานุมาน จังหวัดอำนาจเจริญ


  • Benchamas khinanti Mahidol University Amnatchareon Campus
  • Nadeelah Salaeming Mahidol University Amnatchareon Campus
  • Munchupha Thaworawan Mahidol University Amnatchareon Campus
  • Khanitda Klinom Chanuman Hospital, Amnatchreon
  • Kornkawat Darunikorn Mahidol University Amnatchareon Campus
  • Prasert Prasomruk Mahidol University Amnatchareon Campus


Smartphone applications, Mental health literacy, Caregivers for dependent elderly


This quasi-experimental research aimed to study the effects of smartphone applications on mental health literacy and mental health care behaviors of caregivers for dependent elderly people in Chanuman district, Amnat Charoen province. The sample group received knowledge media on mental health care, caregivers for the elderly dependent and mental health screening through a smartphone application. The sample size was calculated by comparing means equation of two independent groups, in the total of 25 people, using simple random sampling. Data was collected by using assessment of mental health literacy and mental health care behavior in caregivers of dependent elderly people with a reliability of 0.98. Descriptive and inferential statistics have used to analyzed data with Paired-Sample T Test.

The results indicate that most of the sample group was female, aged 40–59 years. The average caregiving duration for the elderly was 1-9 years. Caregivers generally report happiness in taking care of the elderly. After experiment, the mean score of caregivers increased mental health literacy of increased at 69.32 (S.D.=6.84), compared with before experiment at 53.44 (S.D.=6.17) with a statistically significant (p-value<.001).  After experiment, the mean score of caregivers increased mental health caregiving behavior of increased at (3.88, SD=0.22), compared with before experiment at (2.97, SD=0.42) with a statistically significant (p-value<.001).

Therefore, the promotion of smartphone app-based interventions for enhancing mental health knowledge and caregiving behaviors should be applied for various health-related issues.


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How to Cite

khinanti, B., Salaeming, N. ., Thaworawan, M. ., Klinom, K. ., Darunikorn, K. ., & Prasomruk, P. . (2024). The Effect of Smartphone Applications on Mental Health Literacy and Mental Health Care Behaviors of Caregivers for Dependent Elderly in Chanuman District Amnat Charoen Province: ผลของแอปพลิเคชันในสมาร์ตโฟนต่อความรอบรู้ด้านสุขภาพจิตและพฤติกรรม การดูแลสุขภาพจิตของผู้ดูแลผู้สูงอายุที่มีภาวะพึ่งพิง ในพื้นที่อำเภอชานุมาน จังหวัดอำนาจเจริญ. Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences Nakhon Phanom University, 2(1), e1986. Retrieved from



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