Effects of Modified Bhadrasana Pose on Pain Score, Duration Time of Delivery Among Primigravidarum and Newborn APGAR Score

ผลของการใช้ท่าผีเสื้อประยุกต์ต่อระดับความเจ็บปวด ระยะเวลาในการคลอดในผู้คลอดครรภ์แรก และ APGAR score ของทารกแรกเกิด


  • Arisa Anontachai Nakhon Phanom Hospital
  • Yothaga Phakee โรงพยาบาลนครพนม
  • Araya Hongrum Nakhon Phanom Hospital
  • Pitiporn Suphoken Nakhon Phanom Hospital


Modified Bhadrasana Pose, Pain Score, Duration Time of Delivery, Newborn APGAR Score, Primigravidarum


This quasi-experimental research aimed to Effects of Modified Bhadrasana Pose on Pain Score, Duration Time of Delivery Among Primigravidarum and Newborn APGAR Score. The samples consisted of 60 primigravidarum at 37 to 42 weeks receiving labour room at Nakhon Phanom Hospital, Nakhon Phanom Province and were equally divided into the experimental group (n = 30) and the control group (n = 30). The research instruments included the handbook modified Bhadrasana pose, Personal data record form, Delivery record form and Visual Analogue Scale. The implementation and data collection were conducted from November, 2023 to February, 2024. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent t-test and exact probability test.

The research results revealed that the experimental group had statistically significant lower mean scores of Pain Score during 5-7 centimeters of cervical dilatation and during 8-10 centimeters of cervical dilatation than those of the control group (p < .05). The experimental group had statistically significant lower mean scores of duration time of delivery than those of the control group (p < .001). The experimental and control groups was not statistically significant difference in the mean scores of newborn APGAR score 1st minute (p = .107) and the experimental group had statistically significant higher mean scores of newborn APGAR score 5th minute than those of the control group (p < .05). The study findings highlight the Modified Bhadrasana Pose can reduce pain score, duration time of delivery among primigravidarum and results in the APGAR score 5th minute than those of the control group and not found the rates of birth asphyxia.


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How to Cite

Anontachai, A. ., Phakee , Y. ., Hongrum, A. ., & Suphoken, P. (2024). Effects of Modified Bhadrasana Pose on Pain Score, Duration Time of Delivery Among Primigravidarum and Newborn APGAR Score: ผลของการใช้ท่าผีเสื้อประยุกต์ต่อระดับความเจ็บปวด ระยะเวลาในการคลอดในผู้คลอดครรภ์แรก และ APGAR score ของทารกแรกเกิด. Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences Nakhon Phanom University, 2(2). retrieved from https://he03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/bcnnjournal/article/view/3272



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