Nurses’ Roles in Using Petroleum Jelly for Prevention and Management of Pressure Sore: A Review of Literature


  • Sirinun Onputtha Registered Nurse, Inpatient Department, Chulabhorn Hospital
  • Dararat Chuwongin Registered Nurse, Nursing Department, Chulabhorn Hospital
  • Sirikorn Kongwattanakul Deputy Director of Nursing, Chulabhorn Hospital
  • Rattana Julsawad Director of Nursing, Chulabhorn Hospital


Nursing role, Petroleum jelly, Pressure ulcer, Literature reviews


Pressure ulcers have been considered significant issues affecting quality of life among patients and their families. Nurses play a pivotal role in preventing pressure ulcers proactively. Nurses need to know how to manage and care for pressure ulcers appropriately. Skin care is viewed as one of the protective approaches and management of pressure ulcers. Currently, various types of products can heal and reduce of pressure ulcers. However, some products are costly and less available to consumers. Petroleum jelly can be an alternate choice for wound care as it is inexpensive, easy to access, and safe for utilization if applied appropriately. This article presents the roles of nurses in using petroleum jelly for skin, especially for the prevention and management of pressure ulcers. In addition, their roles include providing education for patients and their families to continue skin care continuously to promote their quality of life in the future. 


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