Nursing Care for Multiple Trauma: Comparative Case Study
Multiple trauma, Nursing process, Comparative case studyAbstract
Multiple trauma are the injury with interfering two or more organ systems that are critical and can lead to death. The goal of nursing care for those patients is surveillance care to reduce life-threatening conditions. Nurses are important people who must have high clinical skills in caring for patients by using the nursing process in accordance with the problem, and the needs of patients and families. The purpose of presenting this case study is to comparatively study between two patients with multi-system injuries admitted to Ratchaburi Hospital using the nursing process and the theory of uncertainty in illness, and comparative analysis of injury severity, pathology, signs and symptoms, treatment, and evaluation of nursing care. The results of the study found that case study 1 had shock from the loss of a large amount of blood. Blood flow from the heart in one minute is reduced, and high intracranial pressure. Case study 2 had high intracranial pressure, anemia from blood loss and respiratory infections. Conclusions: This study shows that nurses play an important role in evaluating, monitoring, and managing multisystem trauma care to keep patients safe from life-threatening conditions.
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