The development of electronic medical record system in dental at Faculty of Dentistry Western University


  • Visuta Natesuwan Mahidol University
  • Thitarree Sirisrisornchai Mahidol University


System Development, The Development of Dental Clinic Information System, Medical Records System, Faculty of Dentistry, Dental Clinic, PHP, HTML, CSS, Java Script, MySQL


An effective electronic medical record system that is stable, can collect inclusive data according to dental standard, responds to users’ and patients’ needs, and support dental service, is a crucial target for information system development of dental service unit. This research paper aims to develop electronic dental medical record system at Faculty of Dentistry-Western University, Bangkok, Thailand. The main objectives of this study are 1) to study the conditions of Dental Medical Record System at Faculty of Dentistry- Western University, Bangkok, Thailand, 2) to study the demand levels of The Electronic Dental Medical Record System at Faculty of Dentistry- Western University, Bangkok, Thailand, 3) to develop the system and 4) to test the system and pursue satisfaction towards the system.

The research was conducted using a mixed methods, the combination of qualitative and quantitative method under the concept of System Development Life Cycle: SDLC. The researcher presents to study results into main 5 phases: 1. Project Planning, 2. Analysis Phase, 3.Design Phase, 4. Implementation Phase, and 5. Maintenance Phase. Research data was collected from 61 people. They are the clinic’s staff who use medical records of the dental clinic. The research results were utilized in developing electronic medical record system. The situation on patient information management of the dental hospital was represented in Cause and Effect Diagram, created Work Flow Diagram, arranged Data Flow Diagram. These data were further utilized in creating Entity Relationship Diagram and Data Dictionary. The Interface Prototype was created by Microsoft access 2013. The drafts of system interface and security system were prepared. The electronic medical record system was develop into 2 parts; which are 1) The part of language and development tools (PHP, HTML, CSS, Java Script (AJAX ,JQuery) and Bootstrap Framework) 2) Databased management via MySQL.

After testing the system, the results demonstrate that the developed Electronic Medical Record System is not only able to respond to the users’ needs, but also resolve users’ problem perfectly. By conducting the regular users’ satisfaction and opinion surveys toward the system of The Electronic Dental Medical Record System at Faculty of Dentistry-Western University, Bangkok, Thailand with the sample group of professors, dental specialists and the clinical support dental assistants, four frameworks are executed for measuring performance and evaluation as follows. Functional testing: users, in over all, are highly satisfied with the developed system at the average 4.07 of satisfaction scores. Functional requirement testing: the developed system significantly fulfilled users’ requirements at the average 4.48 of satisfaction scores. Usability testing: the developed system is exceptionally ease of use at the average 4.43 of satisfaction scores. Security Testing: the developed system is exceptionally ease of use at the average 4.43 of satisfaction scores.



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How to Cite

Natesuwan, V. ., & Sirisrisornchai, T. . (2022). The development of electronic medical record system in dental at Faculty of Dentistry Western University. Journal of the Thai Medical Informatics Association, 7(2), 91–100. retrieved from