Data analysis and development prediction model for decrease emergencies crowding in Chomthong hospital, Chiangmai


  • Pheomlap Phongprapapan Chomthong hospital, Chiangmai


Emergency Department Crowding, Data analysis, The predictive model


The emergency department (ED) crowding is a common situation in a refer hospital and a general hospital. The unnecessary emergency visit in ED instead of visiting as an outpatient visit could result in waiting time and treatment time increasing. The quality of treatment in ED is decreased and delayed. The waiting time to see doctors increases. The emergency patients may have to delay their treatment. The referral process between hospital is delayed.

This study is aimed to study the characteristics of patients, age, waiting time at ED, waiting time to consult in a hospital, and factors that associate with criteria of in-patient admission. We use a 1-year retrospective data from B.E. 2562-2563. There were around 34,494 ED visiting records. QilkView12 was used to analyzed the problem of ED, Chomthong hospital, Chiangmai. RStudio with decision tree is used to select the variables to create the prediction model that predict the factors that affect to prolong waiting time. Variables that were selected included age, ICD-10 diagnoses, time to visit ED, and waiting time in each clinic. The model would use to design for a future plan.



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How to Cite

Phongprapapan, P. . (2022). Data analysis and development prediction model for decrease emergencies crowding in Chomthong hospital, Chiangmai. Journal of the Thai Medical Informatics Association, 7(1), 21–27. retrieved from