Development of web application for screening test notification in non-communicable disease compatible with JHCIS program
Data Science, Informatic Science, Lab notification, NCD notification, Web Application, JHCISAbstract
Nowadays, the non-communicable disease is an important health problem. Healthcare workers have sacrificed more and more time and effort. So, we must adapt and adopt technology to aid health care system. The Strength of computer is reliability and accuracy by decreasing human error. Therefore, the developer reseachs a web application program to notify a primary care physician for screening test. One steps approach is using in this model to copy National Identification card (ID card) and paste in the web application program by a family physician. Thus, the doctor can check all the screening test that appropriate with a patient profile. The Result are satisfied by two family physicians in the Bangkung primary care unit. However, we need to improve the user interface in the future.
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