Development of COVID-19 screening services in the factory with modeling and the development of a COVID screening program in the factory with an AppSheet program


  • Sarawut Hongyim Sungnoen Hospital, Nakhon Ratchasima


Service Model, COVID-19, Coronavirus 2019, AppSheet


From the third and fourth waves of the COVID-19 epidemic in 2021, there were cumulative numbers of infected people in the Sung Noen District area. Nakhon Ratchasima Province, up to 9,401 cases, starting with the outbreak in the construction worker camp in the Sung Noen Special Industrial Zone. The author of the article was assigned to lead the team to manage the outbreak in construction camps using the Department of Disease Control's Bubble and Seal approach. Ministry of Public Health which has learned the lessons of epidemic control in construction worker camps. There were problems with collecting false data and delays in screening to separate infected people from workers. The author of the article therefore conducted a model analysis of the COVID-19 screening service in the factory, which was able to reduce the process and know the resources required. There is a COVID screening program in the factory as an important part that reduces the process and increases the accuracy of the data.



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How to Cite

Hongyim , S. . (2023). Development of COVID-19 screening services in the factory with modeling and the development of a COVID screening program in the factory with an AppSheet program. Journal of the Thai Medical Informatics Association, 9(1), 21–26. retrieved from