Online media suggesting exercise methods for improving physical fitness suitable for all ages of elderly in Thailand


  • Arnon Jankasem Faculty of Innovation Technology and Creativity, Far Eastern University
  • Surasak Mungsing Faculty of Information Technology, Sripatum University


Online media, Exercise, Physical-fitness enhancing method, Elderly


The objective of this research is to create an online media guide on how to exercise for physical fitness development that is suitable for all ages of the elderly in Thailand, taking into account the elderly who can exercise at any age regardless of age. At what level of physical fitness, including the development of physical fitness in all 7 areas according to the physical fitness standards for Thai elderly people aged 60-89 years using delphi technique to collect exercise data from experts from the satisfaction measurement of 312 system users found that the satisfaction level was very good, the mean was 4.50, the standard deviation was 0.43, and the elderly aged 85-89 years had a fair level of satisfaction because of the lack of readiness to use digital devices.



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How to Cite

Jankasem, A. ., & Mungsing, S. . (2023). Online media suggesting exercise methods for improving physical fitness suitable for all ages of elderly in Thailand . Journal of the Thai Medical Informatics Association, 9(2), 63–69. retrieved from