Risk assessment using machine learning in Duchenne muscular dystrophy


  • Boonsit Yimwadsana Faculty of Information and Communication Technology Mahidol University


Sentiment analysis, Health, Natural Language Processing


Risk assessment is an essential component of prognosis and treatment for genetic diseases. In the past, Mendelian inheritance analysis plays a key role in genetic risk assessment. Recently, machine learning has been widely used in data analysis with notable success. However, most of the machine learning techniques do not allow physicians to understand how data features are related to each other because the data collected by
doctors are often unbalanced or bias towards patient data only. People who do not have a specific disease (healthy people or people with different diseases who may have similar symptoms), were often not followed up by physicians. Due to the data unbalance, the results of the risk assessment analysis performed by machine learning techniques are often not effective in the real-world situation. This work aims to introduce additional pedigree data to improve the accuracy of the genetic risk assessment. We tested our concept with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) disease and show that our proposed use of pedigree information help improve the accuracy even in the situation of the unbalanced data.



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How to Cite

Yimwadsana, . B. . (2023). Risk assessment using machine learning in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Journal of the Thai Medical Informatics Association, 9(2), 87–91. retrieved from https://he03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jtmi/article/view/1850