The benefits of using software applications to assist in managing the outpatient department


  • Sakkarin Thanakeatsakul Lom sak Hospital, Phetchabun
  • Kanittha Naokaew Lom sak Hospital, Phetchabun
  • Thitirat Muensrichai Lom sak Hospital, Phetchabun


Waiting time, Application, Outpatient department, Community hospital


The waiting time reflects the efficiency and quality of healthcare services provided by hospital and public health staff. Efforts are being made to design, innovate, and develop the use of technology as a tool to reduce waiting times.
Objective: This pioneering study explores the results of using the application in the outpatient department to reduce waiting times.
Methods: Experimental study conducted between August 15 and December 12, 2022. The control group consisted of 65 patients, while the experimental group had 8 patients. Data were collected through recording and extracting information on waiting times and service
durations from the database using the application. Patient tracking records were used throughout the service.
Results: The application was unable to connect to the HOSxP operating system. However, it was found that if the application could be used, patients would pass through the medical history step and other processes, reducing the overall service time by 88 minutes (1 hour and 28 minutes), from 249 minutes (4 hours and 9 minutes) to 161 minutes (2 hours and 41 minutes), thereby reducing the wait time for medical history by 66 minutes.



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How to Cite

Thanakeatsakul, . S. ., Naokaew, K. ., & Muensrichai, T. . (2023). The benefits of using software applications to assist in managing the outpatient department. Journal of the Thai Medical Informatics Association, 9(2), 92–99. retrieved from