Automated Chief Complaints Visualization Using Word Cloud form Textual Data to Enhance Patient Quick Review


  • Sittha Sinprasat Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University
  • Thiraphat Tanphiriyakun Sriphat Medical Center, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University
  • Nonpawit Yotwongratsamee Sriphat Medical Center, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University


Chief Complaints, Visualization, Word Cloud


Automated chief complaints visualization using word cloud form textual data to enhance patient quick review is one of the internal software development projects of Sriphat Medical Center, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University. It aims to create a system for classifying some key words of the Chief Complaint and present them in several groups of words. The system is developed as a web application. It was developed with JavaScript for front-end development by using the Vue.JS framework, and Python for backend development. The system is connected to Microsoft SQL Server database. The system is designed and developed to be able to know the numbers of Chief Complaint. For the part of word tokenize, Maximal Matching model was selected. The presentation of data can be divided into 3 groups as follows: 1. Chief Complaint Overall 2. Chief Complaint by Clinic and 3. Chief Complaint by HN. This system was developed for the physicians to know the number of Chief Complaint and can use that information to plan for the future treatment of patients.



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How to Cite

Sinprasat, S. ., Tanphiriyakun, T. ., & Yotwongratsamee, N. . (2022). Automated Chief Complaints Visualization Using Word Cloud form Textual Data to Enhance Patient Quick Review. Journal of the Thai Medical Informatics Association, 8(1), 28–33. retrieved from