The use of a program to enhance the accuracy and speed of data transmission through the E-claim system at Jainat Narendra Hospital


  • Narit Boonphet Jainat Narendra Hospital, Jainat, Thailand


Program improve data transmission, Program increase hospital income, E-claim


The main source of income for the public hospital comes from three main funds. Nevertheless, due to incorrect, incomplete, and delay of data transmission, the hospital’s income is decreasing.

Objectives: The aim of this study was to use the program to verify the accuracy of data and increase the speed of data transmission processes within public health services through the E-claim system.

Methods: The comparison between percentage of incomplete data (data error type C) to the hospital admission per month, the amount of money lost due to incomplete monthly data, and the duration of the reimbursement process for public health services through the E-claim system in the years 2022 and 2023.

The study revealed a significant difference between percentage of incomplete data (data error type C) to the hospital admission per month, the amount of money lost due to incomplete monthly data, and the duration of the reimbursement process for public health services through the E-claim system in the years 2022 and 2023.

Summary: The use of program can enhance data accuracy and increase processing speed of data transmission through the E-claim system.



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How to Cite

Boonphet , N. . (2024). The use of a program to enhance the accuracy and speed of data transmission through the E-claim system at Jainat Narendra Hospital. Journal of the Thai Medical Informatics Association, 10(1), 15–25. retrieved from