Reducing the waiting time for out patient department of Bantak Hospital, Tak Province


  • Hassanai Srichaiwit Bantak Hospital, Tak Province, Thailand


Waiting time, Outpatient departments (OPDs), Community hospita


The long waiting time at outpatient departments (OPDs) is a common problem in many hospitals, including Bantak Hospital in Tak Province, Thailand. In July 2023, the average waiting time for outpatient services at Bantak Hospital was 177 minutes, and it causes some annoyance and inconvenience for patients.

To reduce the waiting time for outpatient services, Bantak Hospital implemented a process improvement project in 2023. The project aims to find out and fix the main reasons for the long waiting time such as the number of patients, inadequate staffing, and inefficient workflow. One of the key interventions implemented was to streamline the workflow for outpatient services since it can help reduce the number of steps required to complete a patient visit and eliminate unnecessary delays. This study has also altered the procedure of examination by physicians through the classification of patients based on their degree of disease control, thereby facilitating the management of staff and expediting the testing process for patients exhibiting well disease control with minimal delay. In addition, while patients are awaiting services at different intervals, education videos are displayed to enlighten patients about a range of diseases, thus rendering the waiting period advantageous.

As a result of the process improvement, the average waiting time for outpatient services at Bantak Hospital was reduced from 177 minutes to 159 minutes in August 2023. It indicates a significant improvement in the quality of care for patients at Bantak Hospital.



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How to Cite

Srichaiwit, H. . (2024). Reducing the waiting time for out patient department of Bantak Hospital, Tak Province. Journal of the Thai Medical Informatics Association, 10(1), 33–42. retrieved from