Improving registration processes with the use of technology to reduce crowding and waiting time for patients at the registration counters in tertiary care hospital


  • Phatharaporn Kiatpanabhikul Charoenkrung Pracharak Hospital, Medical Service Department, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration , Thailand


Registration, Crowding, Waiting Time, Kiosk


The process of registration and approval of rights before receiving medical services in the hospital is the important and necessary first step in utilizing healthcare rights and verifying the identity of the service recipients or patients. Due to a high volume of service recipients every early morning, these have resulted in crowded and long waiting time at the registration counters. Therefore, there has been an improvement in the registration processes by Lean principles in conjunction with using technology, such as automated registration or queue management kiosk at three locations in crowded clinic buildings. This has effectively reduced the congestion of service recipients during the period before 8 AM. Prior to the improvement in April 2023, an average of 1,764 service recipients were cleared per day comparing with improving in June, July, and August 2023, the clearance increased to an average of 1,901, 1,990, and 2,133 service recipients per day, with statistical significance (p< 0.05) and did not increase the waiting time even though the number of service recipients increased each month after the improvement, it was 1.3-1.5 times the amount of the month before the improvement. In addition, the number of service recipients using the kiosk has been steadily increasing each month, accounting for 17.4 percent in August compared to July



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How to Cite

Kiatpanabhikul, P. . (2024). Improving registration processes with the use of technology to reduce crowding and waiting time for patients at the registration counters in tertiary care hospital. Journal of the Thai Medical Informatics Association, 10(1), 43–52. retrieved from