Reducing the patient waiting time for radiological examination appointments at Khon Kaen Hospital using the radiological information program system and the process redesign concept


  • Suthee Tharakulphan Orthopaedic Surgery Department, Khon Kaen Hospital, Thailand


Radiology information systems, Process redesign, Technology, Radiology appointments, Waiting times


Introduction : Radiology delivery systems play a crucial role in supporting diagnosis and treatment. Currently, Khon Kaen Hospital conducts an average of approximately 20,000 radiological examinations per month and schedules around 4,000 radiological appointments per month. This has led to increased waiting times for radiation appointment requests. Therefore, the development of a radiological information program system and the implementation of new processes are expected to further reduce patient waiting times.

Objective : Patient waiting times for radiology appointments have been reduced compared to before the adjustment of the radiology appointment request process.

Material and Methods : Outpatients who received services from the internal medicine department, specifically from the specialized gastrointestinal and liver clinic, and had appointments for ultrasound examinations between June 2023 and September 2023 were initially categorized based on the original radiological appointment process and then reassessed after the implementation of the new process.

Results : The average waiting time for a radiology appointment decreased by 37.98 minutes with statistical significance (p < 0.05) after adjusting the new radiology appointment process.

Conclusions : The development of radiological information programs, coupled with the adjustment of the new radiological examination process, helps reduce the waiting time for patients to schedule radiation tests.



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How to Cite

Tharakulphan, S. . (2024). Reducing the patient waiting time for radiological examination appointments at Khon Kaen Hospital using the radiological information program system and the process redesign concept. Journal of the Thai Medical Informatics Association, 10(1), 59–64. retrieved from