Comparative study of waiting time for emergency operative case between online queue and conventional queue at Ratchaburi hospital


  • Sorawit Chanpen Surgical Department, Ratchaburi hospital, Thailand


Waiting time, Emergency operative case, Online queue, Application development, Operating room


Prolonged waiting times for emergency surgery patients often result in surgical complications and higher patient mortality rates. Currently, applications have been developed in hospitals to improve patient care and convenience. This study compared the waiting times for emergency surgery cases between using an online queue system and the traditional queue system. Data were obtained from the operating room database and analyzed for the waiting times of patients who underwent surgery at Ratchaburi Hospital. This analysis covered a period of 3 months before using the online queue program (October 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022) and 3 months after using the program (January 1, 2023 to March 31, 2023). There were 1,784 emergency surgery patients at Ratchaburi Hospital in the 3 months before using the online queue program, and 1,643 patients in the 3 months after. The average waiting time was 5.4 hours, which decreased to 4 hours, a reduction of 1.4 hours (25.47%) with statistical significance (p-value < 0.01). However, subgroup analysis showed that surgeries like hollow viscus organ perforation, craniectomy, craniotomy, and caesarean section had reduced average waiting times but without statistical significance. We can conclude that the use of an online queue system can reduce waiting times for emergency surgery cases and provide convenience for surgeons to monitor their surgery queue via a web browser over the internet.



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How to Cite

Chanpen, S. . (2024). Comparative study of waiting time for emergency operative case between online queue and conventional queue at Ratchaburi hospital. Journal of the Thai Medical Informatics Association, 10(1), 53–58. retrieved from