Simulation model to reduce waiting times of hypertensive patients at Wang Nam Khiao Hospital


  • Nirat Chanaprakhon Wang Nam Khiao Hospital, Nakhon Ratchasima


Simulation Model; Hospital Services, Hypertension, Express lane, Fast Track, Reduce waiting Time


Hypertension (high blood pressure) is the most common chronic disease in the world. Many patients require hospital care. However, each hospital 's processes vary. The hospital resource availability is limited and nonidentical as well. These lead to potential service delays and long waiting times. Wang Nam Khiao Hospital, a 30-bed community hospital, provides the hypertension clinic service only one day each week with a maximum of four examination rooms available simultaneously. By serving 119 patients per day on average, the average service duration for routine procedures was 2.69 hours (161.2 minutes) per patient. Some patients were waiting up to 4.47 hours (268.2 minutes). To address this challenge, an Express Lane (Fast Track) was proposed for some specific patient groups, such as those with well-controlled blood pressure, patients refilling the previous medication, or patients refusing to wait for a regular physician consultation. Several simulation models were developed to compare different Fast Track system implementation scenarios, with Fast Track proportions ranging from 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% to 50%. Results showed that all models could reduce the total time in the system when using the Fast Track system.



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How to Cite

Chanaprakhon, N. . (2024). Simulation model to reduce waiting times of hypertensive patients at Wang Nam Khiao Hospital. Journal of the Thai Medical Informatics Association, 10(2), 8–18. retrieved from