Process redesign and simulation model for reducing waiting time at Gynecologic Outpatient Department Rajavithi Hospital


  • Saranya Chanpanitkitchot Obstetric and Gynecologic Department, Rajavithi Hospital, Bangkok


Reduce waiting time, Simulation model, Process redesign


The critical issue in public tertiary hospitals is the extended waiting time in the outpatient department. It is having a negative impact on patient and healthcare provider perceptions. Process redesign was applied with process mining software and simulation model to prove the concept of a new process which expected to reducing waiting time at the gynecologic outpatient department. The Simio software revealed average timing is 93.45 min. However, proving the efficiency of the system needs to be implemented in real situations.


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How to Cite

Chanpanitkitchot, S. . (2024). Process redesign and simulation model for reducing waiting time at Gynecologic Outpatient Department Rajavithi Hospital. Journal of the Thai Medical Informatics Association, 10(2), 19–28. retrieved from