The development of the non – drug pharmaceutical management system at Priest Hospital
Non – drug pharmaceutical management system, Inventory managementAbstract
Efficient non-drug pharmaceutical management within a hospital is crucial for various reasons. Firstly, it aims to reduce expenses in the procurement of medications. Secondly, it involves managing pharmaceuticals adequately to ensure sufficient supplies for patient care, thereby optimizing treatment outcomes and preventing excessive stockpiling that could lead to medication expiry without utilization. The efficient management of pharmaceuticals contributes to cost reduction for both the hospital and patients, enhancing the overall quality of healthcare services.Objectives: The primary objectives are to decrease hospital expenses in pharmaceutical procurement and reduce the withdrawal of medications by individual departments.Research Methodology: The study employed a descriptive research design.Results: The value of non-drug pharmaceutical withdrawals decreased significantly. Research Conclusion: Effective internal inventory management within the hospital can indeed lead to a substantial reduction in the value of non-drug pharmaceutical withdrawals.
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