A Survey of Literature and Case Studies to Summarize Factors in Selecting a Cloud Service Provider for Healthcare Organizations in Thailand


  • Songsak Rongviriyapanich Computer science department, Thammasat university


Cloud for healthcare, Selection criteria for cloud provider, Cloud standards


Cloud has gained interest in being used in building information systems for healthcare agencies around the world, including Thailand. However, the transition to the cloud requires consideration of many factors including security and organizational readiness. In order to make the information system of public health agencies in the cloud secure and safe in accordance with the laws of Thailand. This paper explores the literature related to cloud safety standards and cloud use for public health agencies in order to summarize recommendations for cloud adoption approaches for public health agencies in Thailand.



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How to Cite

Rongviriyapanich, S. . (2022). A Survey of Literature and Case Studies to Summarize Factors in Selecting a Cloud Service Provider for Healthcare Organizations in Thailand. Journal of the Thai Medical Informatics Association, 8(2), 73–79. Retrieved from https://he03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jtmi/article/view/481