Development of Herb in Primary Healthcare Learning using Mobile Game Application


  • Thannob Aribarg Rangsit University
  • Pavinee Sengsun Rangsit University
  • Yupa Tengwattanachote Rangsit University


Herb in primary healthcare, Mobile game application, Thai pharmacy


The purposes of this experimental research were to develop a Herb Game, including studying its effectiveness, the subjects’ learning outcomes and attitudes towards the herb game of the course TMD 232: Thai Pharmacy II on Herb in Primary Healthcare. The subjects were 23 undergraduate students in the College of Oriental Medicine at Rangsit University, who registered in the course during the first semester of the academic year 2019. The students were exposed to the Online Herbal Database before the data were collected through pre-test and a post-test, and then analyzed using the basic statistics: mean, percentage, standard deviation and t-test. The results showed that the interactive developed E-learning courseware had an effectiveness of 79.00/83.96 which found that E1 was lower than specified criteria but acceptable while E2 was higher than the standard 80/80. The subjects had higher scores both in terms of learning outcomes and the level of satisfaction towards the herb game at the significance level of 0.05.



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How to Cite

Aribarg, T. ., Sengsun, P. ., & Tengwattanachote, Y. . (2022). Development of Herb in Primary Healthcare Learning using Mobile Game Application. Journal of the Thai Medical Informatics Association, 7(2), 56–61. retrieved from