Demand forecasting blood products for blood inventory management: A case study of blood bank of RatchaburiHospital A Case Study: Blood Bank of Ratchaburi Hospital


  • Jiraporn Phummara Faculty of Information Technology, Sripatum University
  • Paralee Maneerat Faculty of Information Technology, Sripatum University
  • Nives Jiravichitchai Faculty of Information Technology, Sripatum University
  • Surasak Mungkasing Faculty of Information Technology, Sripatum University


Forecasting, Blood inventory, Exponential smoothing


The purposes of this research were forecasting blood products and develop a multi-dimensional report to support blood inventory management using business intelligence and Microsoft SQL Server to manage data warehouse and data analytic in Tableau Desktop program. Forecasting the demand of red blood cells( A, B, O and AB ) blood products by the exponential smoothing method technique and evaluation of accuracy and error with Mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) and Mean absolute scaled error (MASE). The results of the management satisfaction assessment were at a good level, which could be used to support decision making in the management of blood inventory management effectively.



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How to Cite

Phummara, J. ., Maneerat, P. ., Jiravichitchai, N. ., & Mungkasing , S. . (2022). Demand forecasting blood products for blood inventory management: A case study of blood bank of RatchaburiHospital A Case Study: Blood Bank of Ratchaburi Hospital . Journal of the Thai Medical Informatics Association, 7(2), 83–90. retrieved from