รีเจเนอเรทีฟ เอ็นโดดอนติกส์: รูปแบบ Cell-free และ Cell-based
Stem cells, Regenerative Endodontic Procedures, Pulp/dentin regenerationAbstract
Regenerative Endodontic Procedures (REPs) is one of the treatment options for immature permanent teeth with necrotic pulp. These procedures use the principle of tissue engineering in order to regenerate pulp/dentine complex. Stem cell recruited into the root canal is one of the crucial factors that affect tissue regeneration in REPs. Therefore, the ultimate goal of this treatment is not only the healing of apical periodontitis but also the regeneration of pulp/dentine complex. However, pulp/dentine regeneration in REPs teeth can not be achieved in histological evaluation. This literature review aims to review the literatures related to stem cells used for pulp/dentine regeneration from past to present and the direction of further researches.
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