
Journal Policy and Editorial Process
          Accepted manuscripts to be published in Thai Endodontic Journal must be thoroughly reviewed by editorial members as well as by invited, external reviewers in the field of related specialty. Editorial process involves the following:
          1. Author(s) will be notified via an email from editorial team when the manuscript is received.
          2. Overall contents and quality of the manuscript will be examined by editors. Only manuscript that exhibit a potential use and novelty will be considered for publication, in accordance with the goals of the journal.
          3. If the manuscript is granted publishing, external reviewers, at a minimum of 3, will be invited for a double-blinded review process. This regulation complies with the policy of TCI to evaluate whether the manuscript is suitable for publication.
          4. The decision will be made by editorial team upon the return of manuscript from the invited reviewers.
          5. Whether the manuscript is accepted, conditionally accepted after revision, or rejected for publication, the author(s) will be informed via email notification.