Apical Debris Extrusion in Endodontics: Unraveling Influential Factors
apical debris extrusion, chemical-mechanical preparation, root canal treatmentAbstract
Debris generated primarily during chemical-mechanical root canal preparation is composed of dentine fragments, residual dental pulp remnants, microorganisms, and irrigants. The unintended extrusion of this debris toward the periapical region gives rise to postoperative pain or flare up, which can significantly impact the patient's quality of life. Furthermore, in certain scenarios, the apical extrusion of debris can foster the development of extraradicular infections. In this review, we provide a comprehensive overview of apical debris extrusion, with a specific focus on the determinants influencing this phenomenon. Notably, the curvature of the root canal, an inherent property of the tooth itself, is a pivotal factor that exerts a discernible influence on the apical debris extrusion. Additionally, other procedural elements during root canal treatment, such as the access cavity, the working length determination, the mechanical instrumentation process, and the root canal irrigation method, play crucial roles in modulating the amount of apical debris extrusion.
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