Effect of glass-ionomer cements on coronal seal and outcome of endodontic treatment: a review


  • Danuchit Banomyong Dental Department, Sukhumvit Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand


glass-ionomer cements, coronal seal, endodontic outcome, intra-orifice barrier


Glass-ionomer cements (GICs) are widely used in dentistry as a lining/base for pulpal protection in a deep cavity or a fluoride-releasing material for restoration in high caries risk cases. Two types of GICs are currently used: high powder-liquid ratio GICs and resin-modified GICs.  GICs bond to enamel and dentine via chemical adhesion, which prior surface conditioning with 10-25% polyacrylic acid is recommended. For an endodontic field, due to their sealing ability from the chemical adhesion, GICs lining/base are commonly placed covering on filled root canals to create a coronal barrier before a bonded permanent restoration (i.e. resin composite or core build-up). From laboratory studies, placing GICs lining/base on the filled canal orifices decreases coronal leakage compared to resin composite restorations without the lining/base. From clinical studies, placing GICs lining/base, either with or with intra-orifice extension, improves clinical success of endodontic treatment compared to the restorations without GICs.


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How to Cite

Banomyong, D. (2024). Effect of glass-ionomer cements on coronal seal and outcome of endodontic treatment: a review. Thai Endodontic Journal, 3(1), 15–26. retrieved from https://he03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/thaiendod/article/view/2501



Review article