Single-file rotary system: current concepts and review of the tested parameters


  • Theerapon Nuntakarat Department of Operative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University
  • Chanakarn Sinsareekul Department of Operative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University


Single-file rotary system, Nickel Titanium instruments, Root canal preparation, Cyclic fatigue, Root canal retreatment


Single-file rotary instrumentation technique or the single-file rotary system was introduced as the alternative method in root canal instrumentation. As it benefits clinicians in simplicity of the technique, reduction of treatment time, eliminating operator’s fatigue during the procedure, being more cost-effective, and requiring less instruments to be used. The objectives of mechanical instrumentation can be fulfilled with this technique in which treatment effectiveness is also comparable to conventional instrumentation with multiple rotary instruments. With different available selection of products and advancement in its properties, the single-file rotary system was proved to be effective in several evaluated parameters. This article aims to review the current concept of single-file NiTi rotary systems, with available evidence in terms of shaping ability and cleaning ability, debris extrusion, cyclic fatigue resistance, and their effectiveness in endodontic retreatment.


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How to Cite

Nuntakarat, T., & Sinsareekul, C. (2024). Single-file rotary system: current concepts and review of the tested parameters. Thai Endodontic Journal, 3(2), 51–72. retrieved from



Review article