Statistics in Endodontics Part 3: Sampling Methods


  • อ.ทพ.สิทธิโชค โอศิริ สาขาวิชาวิทยาเอ็นโดดอนต์ ภาควิชาทันตกรรมหัตถการและวิทยาเอ็นโดดอนต์ คณะทันตแพทยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล


Non-probability sampling, Probability sampling, Research methodology, Sampling methods



Sampling is a crucial process in dental research, particularly in the field of endodontics. This article provides an overview of probability and non-probability sampling methods in the context of root canal treatment research. It covers the basic principles, procedures, advantages, and limitations of each method. The article also explains the application of various sampling techniques in endodontic research, including treatment outcome evaluation, studies of new materials and techniques, and surveys of patient and provider opinions. Additionally, it offers recommendations for researchers in selecting and applying appropriate sampling methods to enhance the reliability of research findings in endodontics and their clinical applications, considering research ethics, resource constraints, and practical feasibility.


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How to Cite

โอศิริ อ. (2024). Statistics in Endodontics Part 3: Sampling Methods. Thai Endodontic Journal, 3(2), 131–142. retrieved from


