The current application of guided endodontics
navigation systems template, Plates, static guide, dynamic guide computer guide technology, guided endodonticsAbstract
Currently, dentistry is being significantly impacted by the rapid advancement of digital technology. These technologies aid dentists in delivering more efficient patient care. In the field of endodontics, these technologies have been utilized in the form of guided endodontics to assist in accessing the pulp chamber, locating obliterated root canals, removing prefabricated posts in non-surgical retreatment, performing endodontic surgeries, and other applications within the scope of endodontics. A review of the relevant literature reveals that guided endodontics could enhance precision, reduce time in locating root canal system, preserve tooth structure and offer advantages in managing complex cases compared to conventional or freehand endodontic techniques. However, complications and limitations still persist in both non-surgical and surgical root canal treatment. Therefore, guided endodontics have the potential to be further developed for greater efficiency, accessibility, and becoming a viable choice for endotontic treatment.
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